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Writer's picture: Jeremy RataJeremy Rata

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Welcome to the FilmFurbish Blog - About all things Camera & Film related

My name is Jeremy Rata. I am a photographer who has been exhibited in the National Portrait Gallery and provided the imagery for the book Afghan Faces. You can see my work on

In March 2020 in the teeth of lockdown I started working on FilmFurbish as I had little else to do! It all came about after I bought a Rollei 35 off eBay, I wanted a small film camera to shoot some film during the pandemic and didn't want to spend money I didn't have on a Leica. Of course, as is so often the case on online auction sites it was a basket case despite being sold as mint!

I shoot Rolleiflex TLR's and have them serviced by the UK's leading specialist so I called him to see if he knew anything about them, it turned out he was trained on them at the factory so I landed on my feet. He repaired it to as good as new standard. From there the idea for FilmFurbish was born. In the absence of anything else to do I decided that online retail would keep me out of mischief so I set about buying a half a dozen of them, sent them all to be serviced and I was on my way.

I launched the website proper in November 2020. It has been a great success I am pleased to say. Nearly a year ago I boldly stated that I intended to launch a Blog. Well, albeit a bit later than planned, here it is! I hope to make it a bit more interesting than just a 'sales' blog and at times I intend to be slightly controversial, alongside trying to convert the unconverted to the Rollei 35 and Canon Rangefinder.

I have decided to blog every month, sometimes more, sometimes less in 4 or 5 key areas;

  • A buying advice blog called 'Buy/Sell/Keep/Avoid' that centres on my picks of the month that I would be buying if I didn't already have too much stock. It won't be a plug for Rollei's and Canon's it will be a genuine opinion piece on what i think is good/bad or ugly! It will probably be a bit controversial but I will explain my reasoning.

  • A market watch piece called rather predictably 'Monthly Market Watch', heavily focused around eBay, on what film camera prices are doing and where the bargains lie. It will be largely concentrating on Rollei 35's and Canon Rangefinders but not exclusively so.

  • A feature piece on an individual camera, under the title of 'Camera of the Month' which will be from my stock, so mainly Rollei/Canon based bur once again not exclusively so, for instance I plan to feature the Panon Wideluxe which I don't sell.

  • And finally I will feature a guest photographer from my database telling their story around film photography along with around half a dozen of their images.

If you haven't subscribed yet please do. I will also occasionally put a few offers or sale items on that are available only to subscribers.

This is me, in a Hotel Room in Dhaka getting ready to go out and take some images with a Leica iiif in stifling heat! (Ilford XP2 Super 400)

So that's it! Welcome!

Do feel free to comment, positively or negatively, it would be a dull world if we all agreed and please support the site if you feel able. This is genuinely one man trying his best to keep himself and the film world thriving


A quick Poll to finish with

Do you like a re-skinned Camera?

  • Yes indeedy!

  • Not whilst I draw breath!

Please click on the button below to return to the site, and if you haven't already please support the site by subscribing. It really is very much appreciated.

Thank You



Harry Murray
Harry Murray

Congratulations Jeremy Rata on your new & helpful advice blog, like everything else you have turned your hand to you have set about it in a professional & skilful way & I wish you every success. Warmest regards Harry Murray

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